Today’s weather in Greece

Greece Weather

If you are traveling to Greece, you will find different terrains such as coastlines, mountains and islands. The different terrains mean that Greece weather can change depending on the location. The first thing to know is that the country location is in the southeast of Europe. There are a lot of mountains and several islands which are located in the Aegean Sea. All regions of Greece have differences in the weather but these differences can in some cases be too small to notice. The three types of climate that you will find in Greece weather are Mediterranean, mid-European temperate and Alpine. Athens and Crete lay on the Mediterranean climate. Western Macedonia is in the Alpine climate and central Macedonia lays on the mid-European temperate climate.

General Rules For The Country

Though you are able to find the three different climates in Greece weather there are similarities throughout the country. The summers in all three climates are hot and rain seems to never fall during the summer months. The winter can get cold but it is milder in the coastal areas of the Mediterranean. Spring and fall are transitional and that is when the weather changes from one day to the next. The country is mountainous and in the higher altitudes it can get rather cold and in the higher peaks it can mean heavy snow. You do not have to be in the Alpine climate to see snow as even some of the Greek islands will experience snow in the highest elevations.



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